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Anoplogastridae (Fangtooths)
Species Currently in the DFL
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3D Specimen | MRI Sagittal | MRI Horizontal | MRI Axial | Species |
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About This Family
Meso- to bathypelagic; can be found in water depths down to 5000 m, but usually inhabit depths from 200-2000 m.
Fangtooths have laterally compressed bodies, large heads, large mouths and very long fang-like teeth (hence the name). They have fins without spines (unusual for beryciforms) and a lateral line which is an open groove only partially covered by scales. The eyes are small and set near the top of the head.
Species are indistinguishable as adults, but are easily differentiated as larvae and juveniles by differences in head spines.
There are only two species in this family: Anoplogaster cornuta and Anoplogaster brachycera.
FishBase 2007;
Moore, pp. 1178-1179, in: Carpenter 2002;
Nelson 2006