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Centropomidae (Snooks)

Species Currently in the DFL

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3D SpecimenMRI SagittalMRI HorizontalMRI AxialSpecies
Centropomus medius
Blackfin Snook
About This Family
Marine and brackish tropical and subtropical waters of North and Central America (also freshwater).
Common in mangrove estuaries and other nearshore areas, often penetrating into freshwater, in depths usually less than 20 m.
Snooks have a concave snout profile, a large mouth (the lower jaw forward of the upper jaw), and two separate dorsal fins. There also is a dark lateral line extending to the posterior margin of the caudal. They are primarily piscivorous and can be up to 1.3 m in length. Snooks are known to have a high tolerance to salinity changes.

These species generally are highly regarded as sportfishes.

Centropomidae comprises one genus (Centropomus) with 12 species.

Allen & Robertson 1994; Bussing, pp. 987-995, in: Fischer et al. 1995; Helfman et al. 1997; Nelson 2006; Orrell, pp. 1286-1293, in: Carpenter 2002
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